


Enzymes have a vital role in leather processing and use of biocatalysts is now considered to be a state of art in processing of skins and hides. The skin and hides contain proteins and fat in between the collagen fibers. Before tanning, these biomolecules must be partially or completely removed. The protein content can be efficiently removed by proteases and the fat content by lipases, as well as tensides and solvents. Use of lipase to dissolve the fat content is a recent development and Ii pases are now extensively used for leather processing in many parts of the world. We deliver end to end enzymatic solutions for soaking, de-hairing, degreasing and bating.


Proper soaking of the raw stock while for preparing the hides and skin for liming and un-hairing is essential to obtain a good quality leather. For some raw materials like dried stock, satisfactory rehydration may be difficult and time consuming process. Degradation of inter fibrillar protein using proteolytic enzymes tremendously improves water absorption and shortens the soaking operation. AzySoakAL : A mixture of protease and lipase for soaking at alkaline pH conditions. AciSoakAc : A mixture of protease and lipase for soaking at acidic pH conditions.


The conventional method of removing hair from hides is the use of lime and sodium sulphide, which dissolves the hair and open the fiber structure. Enzyme assisted un-hairing results in a cleaner grain surface and improved area yield and softness. Use of enzymes helps tanneries to avoid use of amines, which can be converted into carcinogenic agents. The hair burning process is most widespread. Azytease protease can be used in the hair-shaving process, reducing the COD by 50 % and BOD by 35 % in waste discharges.
Azytease:  An unique protease active at very high pH of 12-13.


Lipase is an enzyme that specifically degrades fat and so cannot  damage the leather. Removal of natural fats facilitates further processing such as tanning, re-tanning and dyeing. The main advantage of using lipase is that, it gives a more uniform color and a cleaner appearance. Use of lipase completely replaces the tensides or surfactants. Enzymatic degreasing is a better way of carrying out degreasing  than the use of solvents and detergents. Lipases are much safer and less toxic to workers and the environment. Furthermore, lipases allow for a more uniform colour, cleaner appearance, improve production of waterproof leather, and  do  not cause dryness in the leather.
AzypaseAL : Lipase for degreasing in neutral to alkaline pH.
AcipaseAc : Lipase for degreasing in acidic pH conditions.


The goal of bating is to make hides palliable and prepare them for tanning. Proteases are used to remove scud and unwanted proteins, to give clean, smooth and hide surface. The result of bating with the use of enzymes is a clean, smooth and soft hide surface. Bating with enzymes achieves the best possible quality of leather and cannot be substituted by chemicals.
Azybate: Acidic protease (pH 2.5 – 7) for bating.